Build a winning business case for a VMS
March 6, 2024
Before implementing a successful vendor management system (VMS), build a case for one.
However, building a business case for a VMS can be overwhelming for companies still using manual processes or outdated automation tools. It does not have to be. That is why we have compiled these thorough but straightforward instructions for building a successful business case.
- Know the right questions to ask
- Learn and understand the information you need to collect
- Identify the necessary risks, rewards, and ROI projects
- Assemble and organize all the elements required to win executive approval for a VMS
Procurement, sourcing, and human resource professionals know that a data-rich, enterprise-wide vendor management system is vital for effectively managing their extended workforce. This workforce includes contractors, project-based consultants, and outsourced service workers.
With nine out of 10 companies expected to explore or adopt a VMS this year, now is the time to prepare a business case that resonates with your company and prepares you to select the right VMS partner to meet your needs. Adopting an effective VMS is no longer a luxury but a business imperative.
Learn the six steps to building a winning business case for your VMS. Download our free eBook today.